Menu Inspiration: Insalata Caprese

Friday, August 26, 2011

Sometimes luxury won't do. Sometimes your heart longs for simplicity. A little fresh basil, heirloom tomatoes ($3. 90 lb), bocconcini, a little olive oil, salt and pepper. This ingredient combination originated in the Campania region in Italy and makes for the perfect bite every time. We recommend you place it on on top of some artisanal homemade bread, so you can reach the gastronomical bliss we did this afternoon. If you're looking for a quick fix with no time to search for ingredients or prep your own, we are now offering a new signature sandwich at our shop inspired by the insalata caprese; it consists of homemade pesto, organic heirloom tomatoes and bocconcini on our in house artisanal bread - toasted to order ($8.75).

Photography & Discourse | Luis Valdizon

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